Female Model with BlepharoplastyLazy eye is a common problem experienced by millions of people with poor vision and pupil misposition sometimes occurring as well. In many cases, the muscle in the eye is weak and causes this appearance as well as affecting vision. While this form of lazy eye can be corrected by plastic surgery, a blepharoplasty is not the right surgery.

Why is a Blepharoplasty Ineffective for Lazy Eye?

A Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that can improve vision when your upper eyelid experiences significant sagging. While this can be repaired by removing and tightening skin, it is not enough to correct a weakened muscle.

For that surgical procedure, you will need to see a plastic surgeon specialized in ptosis repair which:

  • Focuses on correcting weakened muscles rather than just removing and tightening skin.
  • Corrects both the functional and cosmetic problems caused by lazy eye.
  • Restores vision and achieves a degree of symmetry between the lazy eye and normal eye.

For a more accurate diagnosis and treatment of your condition, we recommend that you visit our practice for a consultation with Dr. Max.

Why Do Both Eyes Need Surgery If I Have Lazy Eye?

Symmetry requires that both eyes simultaneously undergo surgery to achieve the best possible aesthetic results. This ensures that the structure of both eyes is stable and fixed into the same position. Even one or two millimeters off can affect your appearance and may result in slight unevenness.

When Should I Get a Blepharoplasty?

While the lazy eye is both a functional and cosmetic issue, it is a medical condition that requires a different type of treatment than provided by blepharoplasty. A blepharoplasty is only intended to treat cosmetic problems including:

  • Sagging or drooping upper eyelids.
  • Dark circles or bags under the eyes.
  •  Wrinkles that appear in the corners of the eyes.
  • Slight repositioning of the eyebrows.

Although you may have these problems in addition to lazy eye, you will need to undergo either a combined procedure or separate surgical procedure to address the cosmetic aspect.

Will My Insurance Cover Ptosis Repair and Blepharoplasty Surgery?

Plastic surgery is covered by insurance when there is a medical reason to perform the procedure. In the case of lazy eye and ptosis repair, most insurance companies should cover at least part of your surgery. However, blepharoplasty is categorized as a cosmetic procedure, and you will need to provide documentation that a blepharoplasty is necessary to improve your vision. In the case of patients whose upper eyelids obscure their eyesight, many insurance companies are willing to cover the procedure.

You should always check with your insurance company before your procedure. This will avoid any confusion or surprise at the cost of surgery. Some insurance companies require that patients pay a high deductible before covering even a fraction of medical treatment.

To find out if a blepharoplasty is the right procedure for you, contact our practice at (817) 529-9119 to schedule your consultation.