Senior Female Model with BlepharoplastyBlepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, resolves eyelid laxity, or looseness, from sun exposure, genetics, or aging. Plastic surgeons perform upper and lower blepharoplasty to rejuvenate stretched, wrinkled, or sagging skin around your eyes to help them look more youthful and alert. How do the procedures differ, and how will you know which will meet your needs?

How Do Upper and Lower Blepharoplasties Differ?

Upper blepharoplasty treats the upper eyelid, while lower blepharoplasty treats the lower eyelid. Your plastic surgeon may use one or both techniques to reduce sagging skin and excess fatty tissue and tighten relaxed muscles. The techniques achieve symmetry and proportion with your eyes and facial features. Your doctor will customize your treatment to meet your aesthetic goals and needs.

What Happens During the Procedures?

Upper and lower blepharoplasty target different concerns, and a plastic surgeon will strategically make incisions for aesthetic surgery around your eyes. Sutures or skin glue will close the incisions. 

Upper Blepharoplasty

Your plastic surgeon makes an incision within the natural crease of the upper eyelid for these improvements:

  • Remove or reposition fat deposits
  • Tighten muscles
  • Remove excess skin

Lower Blepharoplasty

An incision below your lower lash line allows your plastic surgeon to accomplish the following:

  • Remove or reposition fat deposits
  • Remove excess skin

An incision inside the lower eyelid can redistribute or remove fat without removing the skin.

What Are the Benefits of Upper Blepharoplasty?

An upper eyelid lift, or upper blepharoplasty, contours the eyelids and helps the eyes look younger and refreshed. The procedure resolves these concerns:

  • Heavy, hanging upper eyelids – Decreases skin folds that sag above the eyes and make them look tired. Your eyes will look brighter and more rested, taking years off your facial appearance.
  • Hooded eyelids – Removes excess skin and tissue that folds down from your eyebrow, covers the eyelid, and touches your lashes. The procedure will reshape and lift the eyelid skin to highlight your eyes.
  • Impaired vision – Removes upper eyelid skin that makes eyes look squinted and obstructs your vision. Reshapes the eyelids to help you see better and make your eyes look younger.

What Are the Benefits of Lower Blepharoplasty?

Lower blepharoplasty removes or repositions fatty tissue and smooths skin under the eyes. Lower eyelid skin is thin and delicate, so your plastic surgeon will determine which technique is best for contouring your lower eyelids without weakening them.

  • Lower eyelid bags – Decreases fatty deposits that create undereye bags and make you look tired. Your eyes will look more vibrant and youthful.
  • Wrinkled, crepe-like skin – Conservatively removes excess skin and repositions fat to increase smoothness and tone.

How Long Are Surgery and Recovery?

Blepharoplasty takes 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the condition of the skin around your eyes and your aesthetic goals. You can resume your routine in about two weeks, but healing takes a few months.

Are You a Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?

You may be a candidate for eyelid surgery if you are concerned that the skin around your eyes detracts from your facial appearance or impairs your vision. Still, an article published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons on what to consider before eyelid rejuvenation advises a careful evaluation of the following:

  • Your eye and facial anatomy
  • A current ophthalmologic examination
  • Your history of eye problems, including dry eye

Increase Your Comfort with Blepharoplasty

A consultation with a plastic surgeon will give you a balanced view of your options for rejuvenating the skin around your eyes. The doctors at MP Plastic Surgery will listen to your aesthetic goals and comprehensively examine your facial anatomy and eyelids. They have a kind, attentive approach and will explain blepharoplasty, its benefits and risks, and the results you can expect.