Female Model with Breast Augmentation The term capsular contracture is one of the complications that makes breast augmentation patients recoil. The occurrence of capsular contracture is rare because of improvements in implant design and can be reduced even further with careful surgical techniques. Most patients experience capsular contracture years after the placement of their implants. This means that women who got breast implants ten or more years ago are much more likely to develop this problem.

Patients who plan to undergo a breast augmentation can significantly reduce their chances for capsular contracture by:

  • Correct placement: Your plastic surgeon needs to create a breast pocket that fits the implant exactly. Surgeons who make the pocket too large or too small jeopardize the ability of the implant to heal in place.
  • Minimal swelling: Also based on surgical technique and your recovery, if you have more swelling as you heal then you are more likely to experience capsular contracture. This can be avoided by selecting an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon and taking the time to rest after surgery.
  • Under the muscle implants: The rates for under the muscle implants to develop capsular contracture are much lower than over the muscle. This is because the implant is surrounded by breast tissue, which results in more of a barrier between breast tissue and scar tissue growth.

While these are not the only factors responsible for capsular contracture, they do contribute to its development. Part of the reason for capsular contracture appears to be a genetic predisposition, which means that even with careful surgical technique and implant placement, you have a slight risk.

Dr. Max Pekarev and his staff are available to make you more comfortable with your surgery. As an experienced breast augmentation surgeon, Dr. Max brings a thorough understanding and personable care to help each patient weigh the benefits and risks of surgery.

To schedule a free breast augmentation consultation, contact our office at (817) 529-9199.