Breast augmentation is the most popular plastic surgery operation in the world. While the results are meant to last a lifetime, there are a variety of common problems that arise that may require an additional, corrective procedure called a “breast revision.” Patients that have noticed their implants are sitting too high, one or both of them has ruptured, they’re no longer symmetrical, or any other issues should definitely call today at (817) 529-9199.

How to Get Started With MP Plastic Surgery

When you give us a call, you’ll get to talk with one of our dedicated and friendly staff. One of our favorite parts of the day is getting calls from new patients and we’re always happy to answer your questions and talk with you about your concerns.

Now, the next step is to schedule a time for you to visit our cozy and comfortable offices to meet with your doctor in person. This first consultation is one of the most critical steps in the process because it will give you a chance to talk with your surgeon about your goals for the procedure. Your doctor will also need to learn all of the details about your first breast augmentation surgery so that he can make sure that you get the results you want with the revision surgery. They may also perform an examination to make sure that you’re healthy enough to undergo surgery.

What is a Breast Revision?

Women that are not happy with the results of their breast augmentation will sometimes opt to undergo an additional surgery called a “breast revision” to correct the problems. This is a terrific option for women whose implants have shifted, ruptured, or that don’t look the way they want. During the procedure, your doctor can change the type of implants you have, increase their size and shape, and alter the projection (how far they stick out from your chest) and the symmetry.

Reasons for a Breast Revision

Patients who have had a breast augmentation in the past may begin to notice several common issues. These include:

  • Capsular contracture – One of the most common reasons for breast revision is something called “capsular contracture.” After your first implants were placed, your body formed a protective scar “capsule” around them. Over time, the scar tissue can harden and squeeze the implants making them feel hard and tight.
  • Different size – Another very common reason for breast revision is to get a different size of implant. Many of our patients want to get larger implants, and that’s something that you can discuss during your consultation.
  • Leaks and ruptures – With saline and silicone gel implants, rupture is a very real concern. With saline implants, the leak will usually be very obvious as the implants will deflate. But with silicone, the rupture may only be detected during your annual MRI scan.
  • Changing implant type – If you have saline implants that are “rippling” on the side or if you’re not happy with how your current type of implant feels, then you can change the type of implant with a breast revision.
  • Asymmetry – If one of your implants sits lower or higher than the other, this is referred to as “asymmetry.”
  • Bottoming – If your implants begin to sit too low, this is called bottoming.
  • Symmastia – This is when the implants can shift closer to each other, giving the appearance of having one breast.

Recovering from Breast Revision

Women can expect the recovery from their revision surgery to be very similar to their original augmentation. One important thing to note about the scar is that your surgeon can usually use your original incision site so that you don’t have an additional scar from the revision surgery.

Breast Revision and Insurance

One common question we get asked about breast revision is if it is covered by health insurance. As frustrating as it might be, it’s hard for us to say since we don’t know the details of your specific carrier or plan. Usually, surgeries like breast augmentation are not covered since they are elective. There are some instances where a health insurance provider will cover some breast surgeries if they relate to a mastectomy or some other breast-related disease. But even then, that is not always the case. You should look at your health care plan and talk with your carrier to make sure.

If you’re ready to fix your breast implants and get perky, youthful, and natural-looking breasts then make sure you call us today at (817) 529-9199.