Close Up of Female Torso and Breasts in White Bra

Each woman has her own idea of the “perfect” breast size and shape for her body. Because every patient is unique and different, our doctors aim to tailor every breast augmentation procedure to your goals and desires. We firmly believe that you deserve to have the body of your dreams, and our doctors are passionate about making that positive, natural-looking change happen in a comfortable and secure environment.

If you are unhappy with your breasts, whether you have just finished childbearing and breastfeeding, you have had a mastectomy, or if you just want more size and fullness to your breasts, the surgeons at MP Plastic Surgery can help. Feel free to contact us if you have questions or concerns. We would love to hear from you.

Breast Augmentation Explained

Patients choose to have breast augmentation for many personal reasons. Some women want to regain their appearance after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Others want a fuller figure, the opportunity to wear different clothing styles, or greater confidence in their appearance.

Whatever motivates you, your doctor will help you make your decision confidently and as informed as possible.

Is There a Difference Between Breast Augmentation and Breast Implant Surgery?

Breast augmentation and breast implant surgery are terms that are often used interchangeably because they mean the same thing. You may hear the term breast enhancement surgery used as well. Augmentation is the type of procedure performed to enhance the breasts, while breast implants are the synthetic inserts used to support the enlargement process. Whether you call it breast augmentation or breast implant surgery, it refers to the process of increasing the size and fullness of the breasts.

What are the Key Benefits to Getting a Breast Augmentation?

There are numerous reasons why women may be unhappy with their breasts and consider breast augmentation. For instance, if you have always had smaller breasts and do not like how clothing fits, breast enhancement can allow you to fill out your clothing better and try different styles with confidence. The procedure may also be used to balance out asymmetrical breasts and improve fullness and volume to complement your body frame.

In addition, if you have undergone a mastectomy, breast augmentation can be used to rebuild your breasts and restore them to their pre-mastectomy shape and form. This can empower you to feel more like yourself. There are also women who seek breast implant surgery to restore lost volume due to changes following pregnancy or aging.

Am I a Candidate For Breast Augmentation?

Women deserve to look and feel their best. For women that suffer from small, asymmetrical breasts, breast augmentation is a great way to help them feel as good on the outside as they do on the inside. But which patients are good candidates for breast augmentation? Here is a quick guide on what makes you a good candidate for breast implants.

A Breast Augmentation is Good For

  • Healthy patients – First of all, patients need to be in good overall health. Your doctor will perform a full examination and look into your medical history as well. High blood pressure and diabetes are two issues that patients may need to get under control before undergoing surgery.
  • Patients with fully developed breasts – To perform a breast augmentation, the breasts need to be fully developed. Usually, patients under 18 years old are not good candidates, but this is not always the case.
  • Patients with realistic expectations – Patients need to have realistic expectations about the outcome of their procedures.
  • Patients dissatisfied with breasts – Patients also need to be dissatisfied with the size or shape of their breasts whether its breasts that are not symmetrical, have become flat or droopy from pregnancy, breast reconstruction, or are simply small in size.

How Old Do I Have to Be to Get a Breast Augmentation?

Icon of Woman in Bathing Next to 18+In order to undergo breast augmentation surgery, you should be at least 18 years old. It is typically around this age that breasts become fully developed and stop growing. You want to wait until the development process is finished to see what your breasts truly look like and whether enlargement is desired.

Before and After

Feel free to take a look at our before and after gallery, where you can see actual results from our breast augmentation patients.

Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos

What are the Costs Involved in a Breast Augmentation?

One of the primary concerns for many of our patients is the cost of the procedure. Many of our patients do their own research before their preliminary consultation. The issue of cost often causes confusion because there is such a wide range of prices. Here are a few of the factors that go into determining the cost of breast augmentation. Patients who visit us for a consultation will get a much more accurate price for their specific procedure.

Surgeons Fee

One of the costs that can vary with breast augmentation is the fees for the surgeon. Each surgeon will have a specific rate, and this can differ between geographic regions.

Staff Fee

Of course, it is not just the doctor whose services and knowledge are used: there is the entire office staff who help coordinate and schedule the procedure.

Hospital or Surgical Center Fee

Our doctors have surgical privileges at local medical centers in Fort Worth. The hospitals charge a fee for the use of their facility and equipment.


One of the highest costs for breast augmentation surgery is anesthesia. A special doctor, an anesthesiologist, is required to perform this critical part of the procedure. Anesthesia is charged by the hour, so patients with longer surgeries or those who are getting multiple procedures performed (like a mommy makeover) may accrue more expense than a simple breast augmentation.

Medical Tests

Additionally, before the procedure even begins, your surgeon will need to perform tests on each patient to ensure that they are healthy enough to undergo the procedure.

Postoperative Prescriptions and Garments

A couple of “hidden” costs that many patients do not factor in are the post-surgical garments and prescription medications they may need. Surgical garments are essential to getting the results you want because they help hold the implants in place while your body heals. Many of our patients also require pain medication for the first few days after the procedure. Both of these are costs that patients should factor into their total expenses.

Time Off from Work

Finally, one other cost that many patients may not think about is any missed work they might experience during their recovery. Many of our patients take several days, or even weeks, off to allow their bodies to heal.

Breast Augmentation Procedure Process Explained

The Consultation

Women who are interested in breast augmentation can first schedule a preliminary consultation where they can meet their doctor in person. They will answer any questions you may have and help you understand what to expect before, during, and after the procedure.

During your consultation, you will be able to see, feel, and try on breast implant sizers. This can help you see how you might look after surgery without making any further commitment. You can also talk with other women who have had breast augmentation. Several of our staff members have benefited from the surgery and will be glad to share their experiences with you.

What Should I Do in Preparation for a Breast Augmentation?

Prior to surgery, your surgeon will perform a thorough examination to verify that you are in good overall health and have no unmanaged conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes. It is also a good idea to stop smoking as nicotine can interfere with blood flow and oxygenation necessary to promote healing.

Before the procedure, you will want to confirm the size, shape, and type of implants that you are receiving, as well as where the incision will be made. In addition, you should arrange for help at home while you recover so you can focus on relaxing and healing.

How Long Does a Breast Augmentation Procedure Take?

Breast augmentation surgery by itself typically takes about one hour to perform. If you are undergoing other procedures at the same time, such as a breast lift, it may take longer. You will be placed under general anesthesia so that you are asleep the whole time and do not feel any pain. Then, your doctor will follow the surgical plan outlined beforehand and make careful incisions to insert the breast implants. Once the implants are in place, he will use dissolvable sutures to close the incisions and apply necessary bandages or compression garments to support healing.

Typical Breast Augmentation Takes About 1 Hour

What is a Breast Augmentation Like During Surgery? Is it Painful?

You will be sedated under general anesthesia during surgery, so you will not feel anything. Once the procedure is finished, you will be given painkillers to help manage any pain or discomfort. During surgery, your doctor will make careful incisions to insert the implants either above or below the pectoral muscle. The most common incision is along the fold of skin at the base of the breast, called an inframammary incision. Another option is to go along the nipple (periareolar), which leaves a less noticeable scar. If using saline implants, your surgeon may use a transaxillary incision in the armpit area to insert the implant and then fill it to the appropriate volume.

What Should I Expect in Terms of Recovery After A Breast Augmentation?

Following the surgery, you will go home wearing a specialized supportive bra. After resting for the first day, most patients only need medication to address discomfort for two days or so. Many resume daily activities with a week. You will most likely be able to return to your regular exercise routine after about 3-4 weeks.

MP Plastic Surgery will assist you throughout your recovery, and our team will answer questions and address any concerns you may have.

Please do not hesitate to give us a call today to learn more about your options for breast augmentation.

Other Things to Consider Before Getting A Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation Considerations

During the consultation and preoperative discussions before the breast augmentation, patients will talk extensively with their doctor about their goals and have the chance to make decisions collaboratively. Our doctors consider aesthetics, lifestyle, and body proportions in his surgical approach. These factors help him to recommend:

3 Silicone Breast Implants
  • Implant size
  • Implant shape (low, moderate, or high profile)
  • Implant type (silicone gel, cohesive silicone gel, or saline)
  • Incision site (in the breast fold, peri-areolar, or in the armpit)
  • Implant placement (below or above the pectoral muscle)

Your surgeon will also take time to explain how each of the choices will help you achieve your desired results and give you the most natural look and feel.

Implant Types for Breast Augmentation. Which is Best for Me?

There are two different types of breast implants.

  • Saline – Saline breast implants are usually inserted into the breast deflated and empty. Once they are placed, your doctor will fill them with sterilized salt water called saline.
  • Silicone Gel – Silicone implants are made of a soft, sticky gel. Many women prefer these types of implants because they feel more natural.

As you meet and talk with your doctor, they can also recommend which type of implant might be best for you. Silicone and saline implants each have their own pros and cons. Saline implants tend to be cheaper, and if they leak, you will know immediately. While silicone feels more natural and avoids “rippling” on the edges, it is difficult to tell if they are leaking and tend to be more expensive.

Breast Augmentation Incisions

There are three different incisions used for breast augmentation. your doctor will also discuss which type of incision he will use to place your implant during your consultation.

Inframammary Incision


Periareolar Incision


Transaxillary Incision


  • Inframammary – This incision is the most common and is made along the base of the breast in the fold of skin.
  • Periareolar – The periareolar incision is made around the nipple and offers the best scar concealment of these three. However, for patients who plan to breastfeed later, this incision carries a greater risk of complications along with a greater risk of losing nipple sensitivity.
  • Transaxillary – Usually used for saline implants, the transaxillary incision is made in the armpit.

Are There Any Risks Involved in Getting Breast Implants?

Women have many different concerns about their breast augmentation. One of the most common is what they can do to reduce scarring. Unfortunately, whenever the skin is cut, it forms a scar as it heals. But our doctors take a lot of time to help patients do everything they can to reduce the appearance of their scar.

  • Follow post-op instructions – Probably the best way to make sure that your recovery and your scars turn out as you want is to follow all of our post-operative instructions. Make sure you read through them and discuss any questions you have long before your actual surgery date.
  • Avoid Ibuprofen and Aspirin – Before your surgery, make sure that you avoid ibuprofen and Aspirin. These can impact how your scars heal and how you recover.
  • Quit smoking – Patients that undergo any surgery should quit smoking. Tobacco inhibits your body’s ability to bring oxygen and nutrients to your surgical sites. This can affect your scar and also how well your body heals after the procedure.
  • Silicone sheeting – One of the most popular ways to reduce scar thickness is with silicone sheeting. These sheets are applied directly to the incision site and must be worn regularly.
  • Topical treatment – There are a variety of different creams and topical ointments on the market that claim to reduce scarring. Please make sure you talk with your doctor before using any of them.
  • Self-massage – Another method is self-massage. Many women report that massaging the scars after they are well-healed can help reduce the appearance of scars.

However, some things are simply outside of our patient’s control and can determine how visible their scars are.

  • Age – As our skin ages, it loses some of its ability to heal. While youthful skin might heal quickly and with minimal scarring, the scarring could be more visible for some of our more mature patients.
  • Genetics – Some people have a better capacity to heal with minimal scarring. If you have had cuts, scrapes, or other surgeries in the past, you can judge how well your body handles scarring.
  • Skin color – Another factor is the color of your skin. Darker skin has a greater tendency to form raised scars. Lighter skin will often show more of a contrast between the scar tissue and the surrounding skin.

Getting a Breast Augmentation vs Getting a Breast Lift?

Depending on your desired outcome, you may choose to get a breast augmentation and breast lift together. Breast augmentation enhances the size, shape, and volume of your breasts, while a breast lift addresses sagging or drooping by raising the position of the breast, leading to a perkier, more youthful appearance.

Revitalize Your Breasts at MP Plastic Surgery

Get the breasts you have always dreamed of through breast augmentation with the team at MP Plastic Surgery. Enjoy larger, fuller, more symmetrical breasts that boost your confidence and enhance your silhouette.

We listen to your needs and concerns and create a plan customized for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.